Hang Du

I am a second-year Ph.D student at Department of Mathematics, MIT, very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Nike Sun. Previously, I got a B.S. degree in mathematics from
Peking University. During my undergraduate study, I was lucky to work with Prof. Jian Ding and Prof. Xinyi Li.
My resarch interests are in probability, statistical physics and combinatorial statistics. Now I'm mainly working on spin glass.
You can reach me at hangdu at mit dot edu.
My Google Scholar.
Curriculum Vitae
Here is my CV (last update: Aug. 2024).
Research works
Optimal recovery of correlated Erdős-Rényi graphs, arXiv.
A proof of the changepoint detection threshold conjecture in preferential attachment models (with S. Gong and J. Xu), arXiv.
Low-degee hardness of detection for correlated Erdős-Rényi graphs (with J. Ding and Z. Li), submitted, arXiv.
The algorithmic phase transition of random graph alignment problem (with S. Gong and R. Huang), submitted,
Percolation threshold for metric graph loop soup (with Y. Chang and X. Li), Bernoulli,
arXiv, journal.
A Polynomial-time approximation scheme for the maximal overlap of two independent Erdős-Rényi graphs
(with J. Ding and S. Gong), Random Structures and Algorithms,
arXiv, journal.
Sharp estimates for probabilities of arm events in critical plannar percolation
(with Y. Gao, X. Li and Z. Zhuang), Communications in Mathematical Physics,
arXiv, journal.
Matching recovery threshold for correlated random graphs
(with J. Ding), Annals of Statistics,
arXiv, journal.
Detection threshold for correlated Erdős-Rényi graphs via densest subgraphs,
(with J. Ding), IEEE Transanction on Information Theory,
arXiv, journal.
Unpublished notes
Traveling distance of random walk on UIPT, an expository note for 18.677 Stochastic Processes (with W. Li).
Learning the underlying network from propagation tests, course project for 18.619 Discrete Probability and Stochastic Processes (with S. Ha and O. S. Pi, available upon request).
Phase transition on the maximal overlap of two independent random geometric graphs, course project for 6.S896 Algorithnic Statistics (available upon request).
A glimpse into Schramm-Loewner evolution, REU program at University of Chicago.
I organize or co-organize the following seminars:
Xiaohe seminar on probability, Peking University, spring 2023.
Student seminar on discrete probability, Peking University, fall 2022.
Student seminar on Brownian motion, Peking University, fall 2021.
AIM workshop on low-degree polynomial methods in average-case complexity, Low-degree hardness of detecting correlated graphs, December 2024.
IMS-China International Conference on Probability and Statistics, Matching two independent random graphs: informational and computational thresholds, July 2024.
NYU Shanghai special math seminar, Informational thresholds for questions in the correlated random graph model, May 2023.
Sichuan University probability seminar, Informational thresholds for questions in the correlated random graph model, April, 2023.
THU-PKU-BNU joint probability webinar, Random graph matching problem and some recent progresses, Oct 2022.
AMSS colloquia & seminars, The convergence of loop-erased random walk to SLE_2, Sep 2022.